Little Maksim (how cool is his name?!) was such a joy to photograph; at 10 days old he slept almost the whole time, and had the sweetest disposition. Their house is gorgeous and filled with tons of natural light everywhere, a photographer’s dream! His parents are friends of another client of mine, and I am so thrilled they found me and asked me to capture this special time for them. I am also excited to be capturing this little guy all throughout his first year; I love my Watch Me Grow clients, there is nothing like capturing the changes and fun milestones of a sweet newborn.
Brian and Kelly, it was truly a pleasure meeting you! I am so happy to share your sneak peek images, and can’t wait for you to see all the rest. Enjoy… 🙂
How sweet is this?! I melt every time I look at it…
Soo super sweet, I just love babies wrapped in this cloth…
Love his cute little smile…
They are such a gorgeous, sweet family…
Oh yeahhhh, his daddy is a big-time Steelers fan…
One of my favorite family pictures ever…
These are amazing! I love the family pictures and variety of images by himself… truly gorgeous, your work is really amazing!!
[…] and Susan found me through a friend and I was excited to meet them and take their annual pictures at their favorite spot. We met at a […]
[…] blue eyes. I always love milestone sessions, just seeing how much the baby has changed since their newborn session, and being able to capture these milestones and memories for the parents is such a huge honor for […]