Madeleine Elyse is SUCH a beautiful baby girl, and I just loved photographing her. At 10 days old, she was a sleepy and happy baby, especially when sucking on her pacifier (coughIgotherhookedonitcough) 🙂 It was wonderful meeting her sweet parents who are absolutely in love with her and so proud of their baby girl. They live in this gorgeous old home that he completely remodeled and I’m honestly in awe of it, though I do wish we had some air for the session on a hot 95-degree day, lol.
To R. and M… I am so thrilled I was able to capture these special memories for you and I hope you love these images of Madeleine. It was a pleasure meeting you both and I look forward to capturing more memories for you throughout her first year!!
Ahh, how sweet is she?! And I’m in love with these colors…
Sweet little smile…
Madeleine’s grandma made this gorgeous blanket, and a friend made the cute little booties 🙂
One of my favs, love this hanging pose and my first ever…
Love the colors and she looks soo adorable in this hat…
I just love this one, so so sweet…
Aren’t they a gorgeous family?! And she just had a baby 10 days ago, she looks amazing!!!
Her adorable room… wish I could have gotten the entire area that was painted, it looks incredible!