This sweet little guy was such a joy to photograph at his milestone session. At 5 months old he is such a happy little thing with the most adorable, big blue eyes. I always love milestone sessions, just seeing how much the baby has changed since their newborn session, and being able to capture these milestones and memories for the parents is such a huge honor for me.
Brian and Kelly, I know you’re anxiously waiting! I think these came out soo adorable and I hope you do too. Maks is such a cutie and I can’t wait to capture him again at his next session!
Sooo sweet…
Love those little teeth at the bottom 🙂
Alrighty… lucky this kid’s cute, cuz if not I’m thinking he wouldn’t be on my site with a Steelers uniform!! haha, jk Brian! (GO Browns!!!)
Love this one, so stinkin cute…
His mama’s a Dr, so I absolutely loved their idea of putting him in a Dr’s uniform! How cute is this?!
What a wonder baby… and photographer! 😉
He’s super cute! You captured some great expressions!