I thought I’d share a picture of both my girls. These are just fun ones I took around the house, but ones I absolutely loooove! They truly capture their personalities!!
My oldest is almost-7 years old this August (or as she is already telling people she is 7, lol!) She is so beautiful, inside-out, and has such a fun, carefree, crazy personality! She makes friends so easily, and loves to tell a good joke! I love that in this picture you can see her two front teeth coming in, soooo stinkin cute
My youngest is 18-month old (this Friday) little stinker. She is such a silly little girl, with a very mischevious side! She knows what she wants and she wants it, hah!! But she is also super affectionate, especially to her daddy – oh my, what a daddy’s girl she is!! I just love her to bits and feel so blessed to finally have added to our family. I know she came when God wanted her to
What precious girls you have. Love the angles of both pictures!