Stacy is a beautiful and super sweet girl from Padua H.S. I met her and her mom at one of my favorite spots that I haven’t been to in a while, and though it was another extremely hot and humid day for a session, we fought through it and had a lot of fun. She brought a great variety of cute clothes, and with all the awesome locations we went to and her seriously amazing, piercing eyes, I had the hardest time choosing which images to show for her sneak peek.
Stacy and Tricia, you were so wonderful to work with, and I had so much fun capturing this special time for you. Thanks for bearing the heat, I think it was well worth it… I hope you love your images 🙂
I just love this close- up, she’s absolutely stunning…
I love the texture and color of this cool red wall…
More favs, I honestly love every single one from her session…
And this one is beyond gorgeous, and so soulful, I love the b&w…
I absoltuely love all the colors in these next few…
Gorgeous girl and images!