I have known this sweet family for many years, since I was just 15 years old. At that time, I had just starting working at Mr. Hero my first job, where both of my sisters worked as well. Sheri had owned it and was the best boss ever!! Who would have thought that just a couple years later I would meet the man I would marry at Mr. Hero, at just 17 years old! Sheri is such a wonderful and special lady with the sweetest family. I’m so glad we have stayed in touch all these years and I feel so honored to have captured these special memories for them!
Dave and Sheri, who are celebrating 40 years of marriage this year…
I loove these family images of them, they are such fun, crazy group! Like my family of three girls, I have to laugh at Dave’s face in a couple of these watching his daughters, reminds me of my dad and my sisters and I 🙂 And look at that sky behind them, we had the threat of rain and majorly strong winds!!
The oldest daughter Candi, and her beautiful family… and she has 3 girls, too!!
Larissa is the middle, and her daughter looks just like her, so pretty… I love these…
The three sisters, Christen is the youngest and currently lives out of state, hoping to return home for good soon… love this in b&w!
All the grandkids, so sweet…
Love these individual ones of the girls…
She’s just too cute for words!! And I had to post this close-up…
And this last one is just so super sweet…
Hi there!
I love the pictures! Can’t wait to see the rest! This week is crazy, but maybe next week or so we can get together at Candi’s to see the rest!
I love! love! love! the one of the girls and then all the grandbabies! I just wish I looked thinner and younger but we know what the alternative would be!
Hugs and will see you soon!